Photos and Reviews from Past Productions
The Constant Wife by Somerset Maugham

"Fine ensemble cast" - Encore Michigan
"The crack Meadow Brook team succeeds
in keeping it relevant and very much alive." -Detroit Free Press
A Family of Perhaps Three by Gertrude Stein

Directed by David Herskovits photo by Yi Zhao
"Allison Schubert gets laughs with a single tight-lipped smile." - Helen Shaw, Time Out New York
"...Chinasa Ogbuagu, Allison Schubert and Indika Senanayake. Each has a distinctive presence, and all deserve accolades simply for keeping the puzzling piles of words from getting jumbled up in their heads." -Charles Isherwood, New York Times
"...Chinasa Ogbuagu, Allison Schubert and Indika Senanayake. Each has a distinctive presence, and all deserve accolades simply for keeping the puzzling piles of words from getting jumbled up in their heads." -Charles Isherwood, New York Times
Barbarians by Maxim Gorky
Hamlet? That is the Question. with Infinite Stage at the Wholly Mammoth
Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles

Oedipus at Colonus photo by Kah Poon
"The chorus, it must be stated, does exceptional work here: Susanna Florence, Allison Schubert, and Sarah Shahinian perform the poetry, songs, and dances fluently and beautifully." -Martin Denton,
"The most noteworthy aspect of this production in several ways is the illustration of the Eumenides/Chorus (Susanna Florence, Sarah Shahinian, Allison Schubert)" -Cindy Pierre, Talkin' Broadway